250 Things to Do Instead of Being on Your Phone (2024)

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Spending too much time on your phone and want to bring down your screentime hours? Here are 250 fun, entertaining, and productive things to do instead of being on your phone!

250 Things to Do Instead of Being on Your Phone (1)

Whether it be social media, surfing the internet, or replying to text messages, it seems our phones are always in our hands.

We pride ourselves on being reachable 24/7 and are there to pick up the phone at the first notification.

While there are definite perks to being connected with others through our phones, they also can really take away from our connection to the present moment.

With our noses stuck in our phones, we miss out on moments, experiences, memories, and in-person connections all around us.

Not to mention, they have an unmatched ability to interrupt a beautiful moment. Sitting down to dinner with a loved one and – buzz, buzz! – a stressful work email comes in and rips you away from the moment.

If you’re someone who is starting to feel a bit too connected to their phone, it’s time to explore some things to do instead of being on your phone.

Instead of scrolling social media, instead of playing on your phone, and instead of looking at your screen, try doing one of these phone-free activities.

Here are 250 things to do without your phone to help break the phone habit, lower that screen time, and bring you back into the present moment.

Table of Contents hide

250 Things to Do Instead of Being on Your Phone

Outdoor Things to Do Without Your Phone

Productive Things to Do Instead of Being on Your Phone

Social Things to Do Instead of Social Media

Creative Activities to Do Instead of Being on Your Phone

Healthy Things to Do Instead of Scrolling on Your Phone

Self-Care Activities Without Your Phone

Educational Things to Do Instead of Being on Your Phone

At-Home Things to Do Without Your Phone

Out-and-About Things to Do Without Your Phone

10 Reasons You Should Take a Break From Your Phone

250 Things to Do Instead of Being on Your Phone

There are so many things to do instead of social media, texting, and being on your phone.

To help you find the perfect phone-free activity, I’ve broken these things to do without your phone into categories:

  • Outdoor activities
  • Productive activities
  • Social activities
  • Creative activities
  • Healthy activities
  • Self-care activities
  • Educational activities
  • Out-and-About activities
  • At-home activities

Let’s explore these categories and all of the amazing options for activities to do without your phone!

Outdoor Things to Do Without Your Phone

Put your phone down and get outdoors! Here are 20 outside activities you can do without your phone – leave that sucker inside!

  1. Take a walk
  2. Tend to your yard
  3. Put your bare feet in the grass
  4. Visit the beach
  5. Walk your local shops
  6. Sunbathe
  7. Take photographs of nature
  8. Spot shapes in the clouds
  9. Sit at a park and people-watch
  10. Play with sidewalk chalk like a kid again
  11. Ride your bike
  12. Fly a kite
  13. Go sledding, skiing, or snowboarding
  14. Plant a flower
  15. Plant a vegetable garden
  16. Play catch or frisbee
  17. Play an outdoor yard game
  18. Explore a nature trail
  19. Wander your neighborhood and admire your neighbors’ yards
  20. Climb a tree

Productive Things to Do Instead of Being on Your Phone

We all know what a time-sucker our phones can be. Here are 25 productive things to do without your phone. You’ll be surprised how much you can accomplish without your phone distracting you!

  1. Change your sheets
  2. Vacuum your room
  3. Organize your junk drawer
  4. Start a habit tracker
  5. Clean out your purse
  6. Clean out your closet
  7. List old clothes/accessories on Poshmark
  8. Clean your shower
  9. Tidy up your desk/workspace
  10. Do your laundry
  11. Plan your week
  12. Plan your weekly to-do list
  13. Meal plan dinners for the week
  14. Make a weekly grocery list
  15. Create a budget plan for the month
  16. Dust your house
  17. Clean out the garage
  18. Set new monthly goals
  19. Clean the kitchen sink
  20. Fill your vitamin container for the week
  21. Clean out your car
  22. Wash your car exterior
  23. Organize CDs, DVDs, video games, etc.
  24. Color-code your closet
  25. Clean out your kitchen pantry/fridge
250 Things to Do Instead of Being on Your Phone (2)

Social Things to Do Instead of Social Media

SOCIAL” media… but is it really? Here are 20 social activities to do instead of scrolling social media mindlessly!

  1. Visit your grandma
  2. Go for a walk-and-talk with a friend
  3. Meet a friend for coffee
  4. Host a family dinner
  5. Visit a local cafe and talk to the barista
  6. Compliment a stranger
  7. Go to Starbucks and pay it forward
  8. Volunteer
  9. Bake something for your neighbors and take it over
  10. Give a hug

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  1. Catch up with an old friend
  2. Write someone a kind note for no reason
  3. Go for a family picnic
  4. Take a phone-free date with your significant other
  5. Host a party
  6. Make a new friend – say hi to someone new!
  7. Strike up a conversation at the dog park
  8. Host a game night
  9. Go to the mall and people-watch
  10. Write a kind note and leave it in public for a stranger to find

Creative Activities to Do Instead of Being on Your Phone

Don’t allow your phone to stifle your inner creativity any longer! Here are 20 unique things to do instead of being on your phone that will help you unleash your inner creative genius!

  1. Write a short story
  2. Paint a sunrise/sunset
  3. Sketch the view from your window
  4. Learn to zentangle
  5. Learn how to play the piano
  6. Write some poetry
  7. Respond to some creative journal prompts
  8. Choreograph a dance
  9. Write a song
  10. Tackle a DIY project
  11. Learn to play the guitar or ukulele
  12. Color
  13. Scrapbook
  14. Sew
  15. Learn to knit
  16. Tie-dye
  17. Make pottery
  18. Draw cartoons
  19. Redecorate your room
  20. Write jokes

Healthy Things to Do Instead of Scrolling on Your Phone

Our phones not only impact our mental health, but they can directly impact our physical health too! Whether it be tech neck, an overly sedentary lifestyle, or the consistent blue light, too much screentime is not good for us!

Here are 30 healthy things you can do instead of being on your phone.

  1. Take a workout class
  2. Try out some new recipes
  3. Go for a run
  4. Play a game of basketball
  5. Rollerblade
  6. Do yoga
  7. Meal prep healthy snacks for the week
  8. Pin new recipes on Pinterest
  9. Try kickboxing
  10. Go swimming
  11. Take a pilates class
  12. Hopscotch
  13. Do a barre workout
  14. Foam roll your muscles
  15. Turn on your favorite song and dance
  16. Stretch
  17. Do a HIIT workout
  18. Go for a hike
  19. Play a game of soccer
  20. Go golfing
  21. Skateboard
  22. Play tetherball
  23. Go bowling
  24. Get fresh produce from a farmers’ market
  25. Try out new infused water variations
  26. Play 4-square
  27. Create an obstacle course
  28. Jumprope
  29. Hula hoop
  30. Lift weights

Self-Care Activities Without Your Phone

If scrolling on Instagram is your main form of self-care, you may want to explore some of these self-care activities that don’t involve scrolling on your phone!

  1. Read a book
  2. Meditate
  3. Take a self-care bath
  4. Grab your favorite takeout meal
  5. Journal
  6. Watch a comfort TV show
  7. Laugh with loved ones
  8. Cuddle a pet
  9. Step outside and breathe fresh air
  10. Create positive affirmations for yourself
  11. Write down your dreams
  12. Create a vision board
  13. Online shop
  14. Take yourself out to lunch
  15. Take a nap
  16. Enjoy a delicious dessert
  17. Listen to a motivating podcast
  18. Diffuse essential oils
  19. Watch the sunrise/sunset
  20. Have an at-home spa night
  21. Go for a drive
  22. Listen to your favorite song/playlist
  23. Have a self-care shower
  24. Write down your favorite inspirational quotes
  25. Create a bucket list
  26. Take yourself on a shopping date
  27. Light some candles
  28. Do some skincare
  29. Create a self-care kit
  30. Have a massage
  31. Get your nails done
  32. Enjoy a cup of tea or coffee
  33. Color in a coloring book
  34. Watch a feel-good movie
  35. Do a puzzle

250 Things to Do Instead of Being on Your Phone (3)

Educational Things to Do Instead of Being on Your Phone

Our phones not only can pull us from connection and social situations, but they can also totally suck our time and leave us no room to expand our brains. To help counter this, here are 25 educational activities you can do instead of scrolling.

You can learn…

  1. A new language
  2. Origami
  3. How to do yoga
  4. How to cut your own hair
  5. Photography skills
  6. How to play an instrument
  7. How to start a blog (+ make money from it too!)
  8. Organization tips/tricks
  9. How to do home projects
  10. Computer shortcuts
  11. How to make a budget plan
  12. New recipes
  13. How to bullet journal
  14. Card tricks
  15. How to make coffee at home
  16. Video-editing skills
  17. How to have an at-home spa night
  18. Self-improvement skills
  19. How to start journaling
  20. How to do your nails at home
  21. Conversation skills/people skills
  22. Ways to save money
  23. Coding
  24. The stock market
  25. How to use affiliate marketing to make money
  26. Time-saving skills

At-Home Things to Do Without Your Phone

When we’re bored at home, our first instinct is often to mindlessly scroll on our phones. But, there are so many other ways to spend your at-home time! Here are some fun at-home activities that don’t involve your phone.

  1. Play a board game
  2. Make a fort
  3. Bake something new
  4. Rearrange your furniture
  5. Plan future outfits
  6. Decorate for the season
  7. Have a movie marathon
  8. Do an unsolved case file
  9. Play on your D.S. (remember how fun they are?!)
  10. Do an at-home workout
  11. Play a brain game (Suduko, Wordsearch, crossword, etc.)
  12. Write a short story
  13. Make a manifestation list
  14. Plan future gift ideas for loved ones
  15. Get caught up on your favorite TV shows
  16. Make homemade bread
  17. Play with a pet
  18. Look through old photographs
  19. Play the Nintendo Wii
  20. Plan your dream vacation
  21. Do your makeup
  22. Do your hair
  23. Build a fire in the fireplace
  24. Make Rice Krispie treats
  25. Do a paint by numbers
250 Things to Do Instead of Being on Your Phone (4)

Out-and-About Things to Do Without Your Phone

When you set your phone down, you’re able to enjoy the countless things around you that you may not otherwise fully experience. Leave your phone behind (aside from your GPS needs 😉 ) and head out of the house for one of these fun experiences!

Go to the…

  1. Public library
  2. Amusem*nt park
  3. Aquarium
  4. Boardwalk
  5. Local mom-and-pop shops
  6. Beach
  7. Local elementary school playground (if allowed!)
  8. Mall
  9. Grocery store (I love Trader Joe’s runs!)
  10. Thrift shop
  11. Local coffee shop
  12. Ice cream shop
  13. Closest hiking trail
  14. Spa
  15. Farmer’s market
  16. Best local restaurant
  17. Bar/pub
  18. Theatre
  19. Animal rescue center
  20. Bookstore
  21. Trampoline park
  22. Nail salon
  23. Museum
  24. Closest froyo shop
  25. Strip mall (window shop!)

More Out-of-the-House Activities:

  1. Have a picnic
  2. Pick berries from a local berry farm
  3. Go on a flower/plant hunt
  4. Visit the biggest city close to you
  5. Take photos of nature
  6. Relax in your yard
  7. Sit on a bench in public and people-watch
  8. Volunteer to walk a neighbor’s dog
  9. Visit a small town close to you and support local businesses
  10. Tour local open houses for sale (just for fun!)
  11. Find a local basketball court and shoot the ball around
  12. Visit/volunteer at a local elderly home or hospital
  13. Take a day trip
  14. Go to Target (Target has it all!)
  15. Go fishing
  16. Visit a friend’s house
  17. Offer to help out a neighbor/family member with yard work
  18. Go plant shopping
  19. Drive to watch the sunrise/sunset
  20. Find a beautiful nature spot and draw it
  21. Throw the ball for your dog in a local park
  22. Take a workout class (barre, pilates, yoga, OrangeTheory, etc.)
  23. Pick up trash in your city
  24. Take yourself on a shopping spree
  25. Go mini-golfing

10 Reasons You Should Take a Break From Your Phone

So now we have all these amazing things to do instead of being on our phones, but WHY?

Why is it so important to take time away from your phone?

Let’s explore 10 reasons you should prioritize some screen-free time!

  1. You miss out on the present moment. Our phones can really pull our attention away from the present moment. Phones are intended to be a tool to ADD to our daily moments, not take away from it. If you are missing out on memories, moments, and experiences with your nose in your phone, it’s time to take a break.
  2. Social media impacts our mental health. Many studies have been done on the effects of social media on our mental health. Nearly all are concluding that too much social media use can really harm our mental health. Taking time away and limiting social media usage can help with this.

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  1. Our phones are addictive. Phones have been seen to produce addictive behaviors in users. Phone addiction is real. Consciously taking time away from your phone can help prevent the addictive habit from forming.
  2. Phones make us less social. “Social media”… but is it really? Studies are finding that phones are impacting our ability to be social in real-life face-to-face moments.
  3. Phones distract us. Phones, with their addictive qualities, can distract us from the present moment. Whether it be a social situation, work responsibility, or even watching a TV show, the urge to check our phones can interrupt it. Taking a break can help break the habit.
  4. Social media pressures affect us. Ever in a moment and, instead of enjoying it, you’re thinking of how it will LOOK to your Instagram followers? Yup, that really interferes with your ability to be present and enjoy the moment.
  5. Our attention spans are suffering. Studies have concluded that phones are totally wrecking our attention spans. Don’t allow them to take over your mind. Be proactive in taking phone breaks.
  6. We miss out on small moments. When we’re stuck in our phones, we miss the world around us. Smiling at a stranger, striking up a conversation in line at the store, seeing a cute dog – all of these things can be missed when on your phone.
  7. Screens affect our eyesight. Eye strain is common with too much screentime. There are ways to protect your eyes from screens (these blue light glasses are great!), but none are quite as effective as stepping away for a while.
  8. Real-life is so much more beautiful. Life online can be great, but nothing compares to the beauty of real life: nature, friends, family, and in-person connections.

How will you take time away from your phone?

Which one of these things to do instead of being on your phone is the most appealing? How will you take time away from your screen?

Leave a comment below to let me know and don’t forget to share this list with friends!

250 Things to Do Instead of Being on Your Phone (5)
250 Things to Do Instead of Being on Your Phone (6)
250 Things to Do Instead of Being on Your Phone (2024)
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Author: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

Birthday: 2001-08-13

Address: 96487 Kris Cliff, Teresiafurt, WI 95201

Phone: +9418513585781

Job: Senior Designer

Hobby: Calligraphy, Rowing, Vacation, Geocaching, Web surfing, Electronics, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.